Google LG Nexus 5X with $20 Gift Card for $300 (16GB) or $350 (32GB)

To the eBay Deals we go, where BuyDig’s eBay store is offering a nice deal for fans of Android purity who want to have the latest version (Android 6.0) with the new permissions system, and compatibility with the Google-Fi hybrid cellular-wifi service that refunds you any unused data. They include a $20 VISA gift card with either the 16GB Nexus 5X ($300; two color options) or the 32GB Nexus 5X ($350; one color option). No contracts!

This is a good way to use and test the latest versions of a variety of camera and photography Android apps but restrict them when they get too grabby with their permissions and data hoarding. Having said that, keep in mind that the new Permissions system is not perfect and it only gives us partial control. There is a very good write-up on it at the Ars Technica review.