15% off purchases of $50+ with eBay coupon (includes Beach, Dell, and many more)

Coupons and rewards are one of eBay’s current favorite ways to offer temptations to potential buyers. And now we have another eBay coupon promotion. Coupon code PMEMDAY gets you 15% off purchase of items priced $50+ from a long list of eligible eBay sellers including Anker, aSavings (Focus Camera alternate name), Beach Camera (parent company of BuyDig), Daily Steals, Cuisinart (shiny kitchen appliances are a good test for difficult shooting/lightning situations?), Dell, eBags, Guess Outlet, Overstock, Reebok, Northwest Outdoors, Tech Rabbit, Timex, VM Innovations, Wilson Leather, and many more!

When you use the left sidebar over there to drill further down in the various categories, there are 450+ camera and photo items, but there are various others in other sub-categories and six degrees of separation and such.

This coupon offer expires on Friday May 25 in 2018 at 11:59pm pacific time.

You can combine this offer with the eBay Bonus Bucks promotion if you are eligible for that one and while they run in parallel until Tuesday night…


  1. S. W. Anderson says

    Just checking this out because it looks pretty good. Going to the link 450+ camera and photo items, looking through the lenses and filters subject to this deal, I find just 15 lenses and one telephone call-blocker gadget. Dell’s limited selection consists of Olympus lenses at their original MSRP. I can get $50 off an “Olympus M.Zuiko Digital Lens 25 mm f/1.8 PREMIUM” priced $399. That lens has been easily available new for $299 elsewhere for at least two year, on sale at times here and there for $249 new, and available from Olympus in a refurb box for $199 many times. The other 14 lenses are equally dubious “bargains” even after the $50 discount.

    This is nothing new on eBay. And just because a seller is well known, like Dell, prospective buyers are getting no guarantee of a good deal, even with the $50 discount. Heck, I have a nice, new crossover vehicle, a top-rated Consumer Reports make and model. I really like it. But, if someone’s willing to take it off my hands for $42,000, I’ll sell it and even throw in a $1,000 discount! Is that a great deal? No, not when you consider the dealer will sell them one just like it for $4,000 less to begin with. But hey, I am willing knock $1,000 off.

    My point here is to encourage people checking out these deals to do a little comparison shopping before adding one to their cart. I haven’t looked over everything being offered, but where I started picked up right where the last one of these eBay coupon discount events left off — a seemingly decent discount on a mixed-bag selection of items with unrealistic, uncompetitive prices.