The Prime Day coupon expired at the Get Olympus store but it looks like they have some more additions, including another blast from the bast fixed lens digital camera, it is the factory reconditioned Olympus Stylus SP-100 for $187~ with free shipping. This is a 50x optical zoom, with a 90-day Olympus repair warranty, and 30-day return policy.
Some more cameras and/or lenses and/or accessories got added but I’m hazy post-PrimeDay as to which ones were not there before 🙂
There is a nice choice of Prime lenses there, and if you are not afraid of silver lenses, the factory reconditioned Olympus 45mm f1.8 goes for $200, $40 less than the black color scheme. So one could build a prime lens arsenal by going refurbished instead of buying only one or two in new condition.
PS: occasionally they drop Four Thirds (DSLR) gear in there, so if you are interested in M43rds, to be on the safe side, make sure check that the lenses you buy are “M.Zuiko”. This also serves as a memo to self to remember to check before I post 🙂