Prime Benefit: FREE 2-Day shipping at Woot until 12/20/20 PM

If you are a Prime member, Woot has an extra limited-time benefit for you. Normally you get free shipping as a Prime member, but until 12/20/20 at 11:59pm central time, you get a free upgrade to 2-day shipping at the Woot website. Simply look for the option. You have to connect your Woot-Prime accounts. Details at the aforelinked page and/or follow the prompts in the Woot shopping cart.

This is for all items sold (and shipped) by Woot, not just the pithy Prime-only selection. A very small number of items that may be shipped directly by 3rd-parties (if they still exist with the new Amazon-Woot) may not be eligible if Amazon doesn’t control the shipping.