In-stock Soon-ish: Impossible Project i-1 for $300

The Impossible Project i-1 instant film camera is now in-stock-ish from the Impossible Project website. You can purchase it right now with a shipping estimate of 1-2 weeks ($300 is the option without any film, the $350 and $400 prices include film with them).

If you can wait, it will become available for pre-ordering on May 24 in 2016 at B&H Photo.

Panasonic ZS60 or ZS100 with Extra Battery & Charger and $30 Gift Certificate

For the Panasonic ZS60 and ZS100 compact-zooms, Adorama has bundles that include a free Panasonic Travel Bundle (extra charger, extra batter) and a $30 Adorama gift certificate, while going for the same price ($450 for ZS60, $700 for the ZS100) without the freebies. You also have another freebie option: some kits get a $30 Adorama gift certificate while others get a bundle of (addition to the battery/charger) free accessories (Corel software, 16GB card, small gripper tripod, cleaning kit, bag, memory card wallet). Peruse the listings to find the combinations that may be of interest to you.

Polaroid PIC-300 Instant Film Camera for $70

The blue color scheme of the Polaroid PIC-300 Instant Film Camera is now on sale for $70 with free shipping at Amazon by Amazon herself. Only the blue is on sale, the other colors go for $80. These instant cameras average 4.4 out of 5 based on 740+ customer reviews and have nearly 200 questions answered over there.

Speaking of instant, one 10-pack of Polaroid PIF-300 Instant Film goes for $12 at Adorama (plus shipping) or two 10-packs (total 20 exposures) for $24 with free shipping at Adorama and Amazon (the usual free shipping terms).

Polaroid 600 Camera & Color Film Pack for $130

From the Impossible Project, the Polaroid 600 Camera is bundled with one Color Film Pack (eight exposures) together for $130 with free shipping at Stacksocial with a limit of three bundles per customer.

PS: it is interesting to go back and forth between digital and instant, where you can take near infinite pictures without additional cost, versus paying additional money for every exposure. This could make an interesting photography essay/exploration for someone to write!

Canon G9 X with Corel Imaging Software and Extras for $399 + S&H

The Canon G9 X compact with RAW goes for $400 at authorized Canon dealers, but they are allowed to add free accessories with purchase. If you are an accessories hoarder or if you would like to try the Corel digital imaging software AND you also want the Canon G9 X, all three bundled together in a big bundle at Adorama for $399 PLUS shipping (around $11 from East to West Coast, enter zipcode to get accurate estimate).

It is available in either the brown G9X or the black G9X.

The extra shipping fee translates to the Corel software bundle that includes AfterShot PRO 2 and Paintshop X8 PRO (and a few other non-imaging titles), along with a 58-inch Takama tripod with 3-way head, a Lowepro pouch, a 32GB Lexar card, and the obligatory cleaning kit.

Panasonic TS6 waterproof with $25 Gift Card for $200

Spring is in the air, and if you are looking for a new “adventure” camera that you won’t cry for too long if it gets lost or ruined, the Panasonic TS6 is bundled with a $25 Adorama Gift Certificate, all together going for $200 with free shipping in either the camouflage color option or the Melisandre red color option.

In-stock now: Sony RX10 III for $1500

For the boldly going early adopters, the third generation of the Sony RX10 1-inch superzoom (with its 24-600mm eq) is now in-stock and ready to ship to your front door (or other address of choice) for its starting price of $1500 with free shipping at B&H Photo.

For more in-stock action (it looks a very busy month), check the In-Stock Alerts here at this blog (there’s also a menu option up top in the blue bar), and also the Jon Snow resurrection of the Stock Status Tracker.

Costco Members Only offers: Olympus TG-3, GoPro {don’t know the prices}

Currently Costco has two camera offers that are members-only exclusives (you can’t buy members-only items with a 5% surcharge if you are not member), which often means the prices are better than the rest of the internets. It is the red Olympus TG-4 waterproof P&S cameras with extras, and the GoPro Hero3+ Silver Edition with Li-ion Battery and Dual Battery Charger.

NOTE: Unfortunately I am not a Costco member, so I don’t know what the prices are. Even if you login with a Costco account, you can’t see the prices without being a member. Maybe I need to start a Kickstarter to fund purchases of memberships so I can check prices 😉

Panasonic LX100 with $200 Gift Card for $700

Temptation time if you are already being tempted by the Panasonic LX100 rawsumer. The brown color scheme of the camera is bundled with a $200 Adorama Gift Certificate, together going for $700 with free shipping at Adorama.

For more action, check the Adorama Mother’s Day Special Offers.

Polaroid Snap Instant Digital Camera for $100 (w/paper and pouch for $113)

One of the main (aka the ones that run all day long ~ unless they sellout) Amazon Gold Box Daily Deals is a sale on various Polaroid Snap Instant Digital Cameras. The camera-only goes for $100, while the bundle with a 50pk of 2×3 ZINK paper and pouch go for $113. Limit three per bundle per customer. I believe some colors sold-out since it went live, so don’t sleep on them. Offers end at 3am ET on Wednesday or earlier if sold out.

(ENDED) Tue: Refurbished Nikon L840 (38x optical, AA) for $130

This daily deal expired…

[Read more…]

Fuji X70 with Official Leather Case or Boatload of Freebies for $700

Fuji started a successful run with APS-C Big Sensor Primes with the X100 and now their line-up has expanded and prices decreased too. The brand new Fuji X70 sells at its starting price of $700 but you have a choice of freebies. At B&H Photo you get a free Fujifilm BLC-X70 Leather Case (Black) automatically included by B&H. This is mentioned right above the Product Highlights (see annotated screenshot crop below):


If you don’t need the official case, or you prefer a boatload of free accessories, Adorama is bundling it with Corel software bundle (includes AfterShot PRO 2 and Paintshop PRO X8) along with a ProOptics 49mm Essentials Filter kit, a Lowepro pouch, a 16GB Toshiba SD card, and the obligatory cleaning kit.

Panasonic ZS50 travel-zoom for $300

Zoom-zoom, the black color option of the Panasonic ZS50 travel-zoom (30x optical) is offered for $298 with free shipping and 4% promotional rewards (around $12) at B&H Photo and for $300 without rewards at Groupon Goods.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 Instant Film Camera for $99

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 70 Instant Film Camera in the yellow color option is on sale for $99 with free shipping at Amazon by Amazon itself. Limit five per customer. If yellow is not your color, the sale also includes the blue and white camera bodies that go for $100 each with a limit of five as well. A 3rd-party seller has them for the same price, so you can get more from them if you need more.

TIP: this looks like it may be an automated Amazon price-match of the 3rd-party seller price, so it’s completely unpredictable how long this will last.

Panasonic ZS100 Silver drops to $593

Zoom-zoom the whole world begins to zoom as the silver color scheme of the Panasonic ZS100 superzoom with RAW is down to $593 with free shipping instead of its usual price of $700 at Amazon by Amazon herself. This is not part of the lightning deals, so it could last somewhere between nanoseconds and eternity (in other words, I don’t know when the price will change ~ or if it will change).

Fuji X10 Compact with RAW (black) for $300

If of the many compacts with RAW it is the black Fuji X10 the one you want, you can get it for $300 with free shipping by SSE Photo & Video thru Amazon. This ships directly from the seller (SSE Photo & Video) but if you are a Prime member, you will get Prime shipping benefits (this was a recently added benefit to Amazon Prime, select sellers offer free 2-day shipping on products purchased by Prime members ~ not sure how the cost is split between the seller and Amazon but that’s their behind the scenes thing, not the consumer’s)… Thanks to S.A. Anderson for the email alert on this…

PS: for the speed readers out there, this is the older Fuji X10 fixed lens camera, not to be confused with the newer Fuji X-T10 interchangeable lens camera.

Refurb Fuji XP80 for $90, refurb Instax Mini 8 for $50, new Canon SX530 HS for $190

Among the longer non-daily deals at Woot, there is a mini camera sale good until 4/28/16 at 12am central featuring three models:

+ new condition Canon SX530 HS superzoom for $190
+ refurbished yellow Fuji XP80 waterproof for $90
+ refurbished white Fuji Instax Mini 8 instant camera for $50

The limit is three of each camera per customer. Shipping is $5 flat for everything you buy from Woot in April 2016, so if you already bought something, you won’t pay shipping again in April 2016. This may be an experiment to try a monthly/annual membership or a competitive counter to the $5 per month MVP plan (they funnily call is VMP rather ironically!).

(ENDED) Friday at Best Buy: Lowepro UR 250 for $40, refurb Nikon L840 for $150

Friday is over and so are these daily deals…

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Refurbished Nikon S7000 (20x optical, Wifi) for $123

Another compact zoom sale, the black Nikon Coolpix S7000 (20x optical, Wifi) is available in certified refurbished condition with a 90 day warranty for $123 with free shipping by Beach Camera thru Amazon. The new condition price at authorized dealers is $200 with free accessories (eg Adorama).

This ships from a Beach Camera facility, but if you are a Prime member, you still get free Prime shipping. This is because of a recent expansion of the Prime program benefits where some retailers for some products (such as Beach Camera and recently Adorama) also offer fast shipping for Prime members. The downside of this is that you have to pay even more attention to the product listings to notice all these distinctions. Annotated screenshot crop below highlighting the points to look at:


Refurbished Nikon Coolpix S9600 (12x) for $90

You can even get a compact superzoom for under $100 these days. The black Nikon Coolpix S9600 (12x optical, LiIon) is available in manufacturer refurbished condition with a 90 day Nikon USA warranty for $90 with free shipping at Adorama as one of their 37 refurbished Nikons sale.

Sony RX10 II with $100 Gift Card for $1200

The Sony RX10 II (second generation) is bundled with a $100 B&H Photo Gift Card, together going for $1200 with free shipping at B&H Photo. Alternately you can select bundles with Free Accessories or a Free Sony ECM-XYST1M Mic instead of the $100 gift card.

Keep in mind the last model is the 3rd generation RX10 with a May 2016 release estimate and a starting price of $1500.

Canon G9 X and Pixma PRO 100 and Extras for $350 after $350 MIR (prepaid AMEX GC)

The Canon Pixma mail-in rebates are also good for some of the Canon RAWsumers. The Canon G9 X goes for $400 on its own at authorized dealers, but if you also want the Pixma PRO 100 printer and don’t object to mail-in rebates (prepaid American Express gift card), you can get it for $350 after a $350 mail-in rebate at Adorama. This includes the standard Canon G9 X kit, the Pixma PRO 100 printer, its trusty SG-201 sidekick (50pk 13×19″ paper) and camera bag and 32GB Sandisk card.

Refurbished Canon Friends and Family Sale: refurb DSLRs (5D*, 6D, 70D, T6s, T5, SX520, N, etc), 10% off Lenses, Etc

The official Canon USA store has a Friends and Family Sale that includes a 10% off sale on refurbished Lenses (77 options, multiple pages, some binoculars are mixed in with the lenses), along with DSLR kits featured on the first link above that include:

+ refurb 5DS R body only for $3000, non-R body for $2800
+ refurb 5D Mark III body for $2100
+ reufrb 6D body for $1100
+ refurb 70D with 18-55 IS STM for $680 or with 18-135mm instead for $850
+ refurb D-Rebel T6s w/18-135 IS STM for $800
+ refurb D-Rebel T6i w/18-55 & 75-300 for $640
+ refurb SL1 with 18-55 & 75-300 for $390
+ refurb D-Rebel T5 with 18-55 for $230 (plus 75-300 for $290)
+ refurb Powershot SX520 HS superzoom for $90
+ refurb Powershot SX600 HS red for $80
+ refurb G1X II for $550
+ refurb Phowershot N for $90
+ the items mentioned in this block are in-stock as of the time of writing (there are more but they are out of stock and I don’t know if they will return in-stock before the sale ends)
+ you can see these at the Friends and Family Sale
+ NOTE: there are three pages of items, increase “Items per Page” or browse pages #2 and #3 as well
+ the refurbished items come with a 1-year Canon USA warranty

Imported grey-market Fuji X100T with 1-year seller warranty for $800

The Fuji X100T BSP (Big Sensor Prime) goes for $1300 at authorized dealers who are allowed to offer some bonus items with it (eg free Rode Mic at Adorama or 4% rewards and 32GB SDHC at B&H Photo).

But if you are more of a risk taker and imported grey-market items do not give you nightmares on Warranty Street, then among the latest eBay Deals we find a new condition imported grey-market Fuji X100T with a 1-year seller warranty (not Fuji USA warranty) going for $800 with free shipping in either black or silver. The seller is Electronics Valley (99.5%) and it ships from New Jersey.

As usual with these type of situations, it is up to you to decide what’s right for you and how much risk and adventure you are willing to invite. We blog, you decide!

Speaking of eBay, they have a semi-curated refurbished camera gear sale with 60+ items included.

Costco: Fuji XP90 bundle for $200 w/free S&H

Your membership dollars at work! Costco is offering the waterproof Fuji X90 in a camera bundle for $200 with free shipping with a limit of three per customer. The bundle includes a case and a 16GB card. This camera goes for $230 without the extras at other retailers (eg Amazon).

Canon G9 X with Tripod, Case, Sandisk, Corel software for $400

The Canon G9 X dropped to $400 at authorized dealers. Adorama is offering it at this price but also adding a handful of free accessories with it, a 58″ Takama tripod, a 32GB Sandisk microSD with adapter, a Lowepro pouch, a cleaning kit and the Corel software bundle (includes Aftershot PRO 2 and Paintshop PRO X8 among others). This is available for both the brown G9X and the black G9X.

Panasonic TS6 with $25 Gift Card for $210

With Spring in the Air, more uses for element-proof cameras emerge, so if you want to use that excuse to convince the Spouse CFO to approve the purchase, Adorama has a Panasonic TS6 flash sale bundling it with a $25 Adorama gift certificate for $210 with free shipping, in your choice of either orange TS6 or blue TS6.

Costco: Panasonic ZS40 with card and case for $200 (or $210 for non-members)

The Costco website is offering the Panasonic ZS40 travel zoom along with a case and 16GB memory card for $200 for Costco members or $200 plus 5% surcharge for non-Costco members (= $210).

Sony RX10 II and Extras for $1200

The new Sony RX10 III is coming out in a few weeks for $1500. If you are convinced now to go for the previous generation model, the RX10 II, you can get it for $1200 with 4% promotional rewards (around $48) at B&H Photo… On the other hand, if you prefer tangible accessories in the hand instead of promotional rewards, you can get it for the same price with free Lowepro shoulder bag, 32GB Sandisk Extreme card, cleaning kit and the Corel software kit that includes Aftershot Pro 2 and Paintshop Pro X8 among other titles at Adorama

Refurbished Canon SX600 HS (red) for $90 [and other Powershots]

The official Canon USA store has a refurbished Powershot sale that includes the SX400 IS for $80 in black or red, and the refurbished SX600 HS in red only for $90. They come with a 1-year Canon warranty.

The G X series is on page #2 of that page, the refurbished G7 X for $480, the refurbished G1 X II for $550, and the refurbished G1 X for $270.