(ENDED) Friday at Best Buy: Lowepro UR 250 for $40, refurb Nikon L840 for $150

Friday is over and so are these daily deals…

The Best Buy daily deals for Friday 4/22/16 include the Lowepro Urban Reporter 250 camera bag for $40 and the refurbished Nikon L840 compact-zoom for $150.

They also offer a Sony a6000 two lens kit (16-50, 55-210) with a Sunpak Platinum Plus 4200XL 42″ Tripod for $900 but you can get better bundles for this kit at Adorama (free Lightroom 6 or free batteries/charger/SD card) as their on-going promotions. Adorama also offers gift cards with some of the other a6000 kits (body only or with 16-50, but not for the two lens kit).

The offer ends at some point between Friday and Saturday, I forgot if the Best Buy daily deals expire in the Central or Pacific time zones or they roll by the local time.