YI Action Camera with Extra Battery for $70

The new condition YI Action Camera available in three color schemes (black, white, yellow) is going for $70 and at the same time it has a promotion that gets you an extra battery for it for FREE. To get the freebie, you must add both items to the shopping cart, and both must by sold by “YI Technology” with the order fulfilled by Amazon.

You can “Add to Cart” from the “Special Offers” section of the camera listing, or you can add them separately, making sure both are sold by “YI Technology” fulfilled by Amazon:

+ YI Action Camera (US Edition)
+ YI Action Camera Battery Replacement

Alternately, the same free battery promotion is available if you purchase the $82 YI Action Camera with Waterproof Case Black. Similarly add the battery to the cart, or use the “Add both to cart” under the “Special Offers” section of the action camera listing.

PS: speaking of YI, their YI M1 camera with 12-40mm and 42.5mm f1.8 M43rds 2-lens kit continues to go for $379.