Tuesday: Spyder X2 Elite Color Calibration for $200, Etc

Tuesday is a name-brand duet at the Adorama daily deals.

But first, a REMINDER, the Adorama FREE 2-Day Shipping on $50+ ends at some point on Wednesday. Usually the cut-off point is determined by availability and ability of the various delivery services to deliver on time. In other words, don’t sleep on it if you need something quickly!

+ Datacolor Spyder X2 Elite Color Calibration for $200

+ 512GB LEXAR PRO Silver CFexpress Type-B Memory Card for $150

LEARNING of the free-streaming kind at 12pm ET on Tuesday at Creative LIVE onAIR is headlined by “Family Photography: Capturing Connection” with Julia Kelleher, nearly 15 hours long! On the other hand, if this class was taught by a modern psychologist, it would have been “Family Photography: Capturing Narcissism” 😉

Chaos as usual at the Amazon Gold Box, among the latest offers rotating in is a Fire Tablet sale with the 8″ for $60, the 10″ for $90 and the 11″ for $160.