Sun (starts 12pm ET): FREE to Stream: Photoshop Layer Tips, Color Fundamentals, Etc

An interest set of free-to-stream classes are scheduled, starting at 9am pacific time, for Sunday 3/29/20 at Creative LIVE ON-AIR. These continue repeating (depending on the length of the class obviously) for 24 hours…

OF potential interesT:

  • advanced Photoshop layer tips (under 2 hours)
  • color fundamentals (under 3 hours) {UPDATE: this is geared towards art/coloring/painting, not photography}
  • sound design 101 (under 3 hours)
  • screen printing

Given today’s durations, you can easily watch multiple classes even if you don’t have the whole 24 hour day available 🙂

PRO TIP: some classes have the first couple of lessons in a class available to stream for free at any time as a “class teaser/trailer”, so if there’s more than one class of interest, you can watch their intro chapters to see which one sounds more appetizing/interesting…