Saturday FREE to Watch: 15-hour class on FilmMaking & Editing

If you are interested in film-making and editing, the headliner class at the Creative LIVE ON-AiR free-streaming for Saturday 10/7/23 starting at 12pm ET is the 15 hour class “THE ART OF FILMMAKING AND EDITING” with Jeff Medford, Ross Hockrow. Given the runtime, it will only air once in its entirety during the free-streaming window. The classes air like old-school over-the-air TV, they don’t have Netflix-style DVR features. The first two lessons are the “Kindle samples”, total runtime over 45 minutes, so you can get a feel for the class before you commit to watching the whole 15 hour thing 🙂

Of …”Bag the Bags” interest, they’ll have a “build your own tote bag” class as well!

IN OTHER action, the REI Outlet just added 650+ items to their Outlet store sale, while members of the Lucky’s rewards program can score a free “Weird Tea” 16oz tin. “Weird Tea” is the product name, not my nickname for it 🙂 NOTE that the Yerba variant has caffeine as it is based on Argentina’s favorite “Yerba Mate” tea.