Saturday: 12-month Adobe Creative Cloud for $40/mo [with $10 one time bonus gift card]

Saturday at the Amazon USA Gold Box has a couple of potentially interesting offers:

+ 12-month Adobe Creative Cloud subscription (all the software, not just the photographer) for $40 per month with a bonus $10 Amazon gift card
+ gift card is one time only, not every month!
+ you agree to a 12-month term, but you pay monthly, you don’t prepay the full year right away

+ $50 Applebees gift card for $40
+ given the COVID siutation, of interest if you live in a state where gift card balances never expire (eg California)
+ per the reviews, a number of buyers in 2018 were receiving gift cards un-activated or without balance
+ personally I never had a problem with gift cards purchased from Amazon (I did not buy Applebees gift cards as far as I can recall)
+ speaking of Amazon reviews, there’s always the Smart Alec review 🙂