New Zeiss Lenses Instant Savings (61 options)

Zeiss too has joined the Sunday “new instant savings party” with a total of 61 items offered in the latest Zeiss Lenses Instant Savings. Most of them also earn promotional rewards. The sale includes both lenses for DSLRs and for mirrorless camera systems. All but one are in-stock and ready to ship. The other one is a “special offer”…

PS: by now you may be curious to find out which one of the 61 lenses is the “special offer”. If you don’t want to find out yourself, here’s the SPOILER: it’s the Biogon T* 35mm f2 ZM in the silver color scheme.

PS2: Biogon sounds like the name of a fictional company working in biology/genetics from a videogame or superhero comic?