Fuji X System Instant Savings at Adorama and B&H

The latest round of Fuji X-System savings is now nicely organized at Adorama. Participating are the X-T1 for $1000, X-T10 for $700, X100T for $1100, the X-Pro1 bundle we mentioned a couple of days ago, along with the X-A2 w/16-50 for $500 [correction: this is the X-A2, not the X-E2, thanks to one of our readers for the email alert; all apologies for the confusion!], and 16 lenses getting their fair share of instant savings discounts. This particular round of instant savings expires 12/26/15.

UPDATE: the new instant savings promotion is also up and running at B&H Photo, where you have the Camera Kits and the X Lenses.