FREE 5-hour FStoppers Tutorial with NIK Collection 6 purchase

Good until 9/25/23, with purchase of the NIK Collection 6 from the DXO Online Shoppe, you get for FREE a 5-hour in-depth tutorial from The F/Stoppers. This is included auto-magically, no coupon code needed.

Because DRM-loving Adobe is-not/should-not-be the center of the digital imaging universe.

Speaking of bad tech practices, Google did a really nasty sneaky thing, they are adding / have-added an ad tracking system in the Chrome browser and they are calling it a Privacy feature. This on desktop and mobile versions of Chrome. Two of the three “features” are automatically turned ON! Then the tech companies complain when they get fined billions 🙂

A great write-up on this by (who else?) Ron Amadeo at Ars Technica, one of the last few remaining tech sites that are not just press release rewrites 🙂