Dell President’s Doorbusters Begin Monday 11am ET

If you are a fan of Dell and Dell Home, their President’s Day Doorbusters will begin on Monday at 11am eastern and continue throughout the day. The aforelinked page has teaser on some of the items that will be offered. This includes desktops, laptops, computer monitors (including two Ultrasharps), gaming, and more.

Speaking of computery products, the official Microsoft Store has a doorbuster of its own, the Huawei USB-C Dock for $30 with free shipping and free returns. Of interest if you have a USB-C laptop or computer. It has two USB full size ports, a VGA, Ethernet and HDMI. Note that earlier in the week various three letter agencies issued a warning against Huawei and ZTE products because of their closeness to the Chinese government (or something like that).