18 Classes for $18 each flash sale at CreativeLIVE

CreativeLIVE is back with another flash sale, 18 classes for $18 each. The price drops to $18 when you visit the individual product page of that particular class. Classes include Lightroom Classic CC, wedding photography, the art of seeing, light, lifestyle, table-top photography, outdoors, strobe lighting, Illustrator CC, and mo(i)re…

Meanwhlie at the CreativeLIVE ON-AIR, high-school/senior photography continues to be the theme, while in other topics, there are classes on branding and such…

Separately from the “ON AIR schedule”, CreativeLIVE recently launched a life-streaming channel, aka CL-TV, which has live-streams and re-runs, separate from the above ON-AIR classes. There is a weekly schedule for the live-streams, and also on-demand replays of previous recordings. This includes the actual Chase Jarvis live show…