40% off for NEW Smugmug accounts

Good until 11/30/20, Smugmug is offering 40% off new accounts when:

  1. you start a free trial by 11/30/20 using the above link (it will show the 40% off promotion in a thin green banner on the right side of the free trial area of the page)
  2. you sign up for a paying Smugmug plan by 12/13/20

20% off first year with SmugMug (ends April 6)

Good until April 6 in 2020, as part of the National Backup Day festivities, Smugmuf is offering 20% off your first year with SmugMug. They have four different plans, with a discount if prepaid annual (as opposed to month to month)…

PSA: the Flickr 1TB Tragedy has Jan and Feb 2019 deadlines

After languishing among the Yahoo wahoos, Flickr was sold to Smugmug. As part of this “digesting” of the service, Smugmug decided to do away with the free 1TB plan. Users who want to keep all their photos on the 1TB free plan must upgrade to a PRO plan by January 8 in 2019.

People who do not upgrade to a PRO plan by then will only keep their 1000 most recent photographs. So start processing/downloading/saving now if you don’t plan on upgrading to a PRO plan! If you don’t adjust your account yourself (if you have over 1000 photos), starting February 5 in 2019 flickr-Smugmug will begin deleting your older photos until your account is at 1000 or less [STANNIS: Fewer!]…

To make the PRO plan more tempting, they are adding some features (eg unlimited) and they are also offering a one year 30% off discount for the 1st year of PRO for the “Free 1TB” plans.

Details and discussion via Techmeme and official takes on the changes in multiple posts at the official flickr blog

40% off SmugMug (new subscriptions)

For new subscriptions only, Smugmug is offering 40% off SmugMug subscriptions. I almost turned the sentence into a palindrome. Close but no cigar 😉

40% off SmugMug subscriptions

Good until 11/27/17, you can get 40% off on SmugMug subscriptions. There is no coupon code to enter, the promotion is factored in at their website.