If we have a “bag the bags” segment, how about starting a “monitor the monitors”? Because no bad pun is left behind here 🙂 Anyway, we have two Ultra Wide (21:9) LG monitors on sale at Adorama for a limited time as follows:
+ 34-inch LG Curved Ultra Wide IPS monitor, model 34UC87C-B, for $720 with free shipping
+ 3440 x 1440 (21:9 WQHD), SRGB Over 99%, 4-Screen Split, Dual Link Up
+ two HDMI, 1 DisplayPort. 2 USB 3.0 up, 1 USB 3.0 down, etc
+ ends by 10/22/15
+ 34-inch LG Ultra Wide IPS monitor, model 34UM57, 2560×1080, for $345 after $25 mail-in rebate
+ ends by 10/15/15