This recurring coupon expired again (it usually lasts for 48 hours when it’s re-activated)…
I didn’t realize how many options they added since the last time I checked. Canvas print offers have multiplied like bunnies. As of the time of writing, Groupon has 113 Canvas Prints offers at their website, and until Thursday night, coupon code SALE3 gets you 20% off most of these. Note that many of these offers do not come with free shipping and shipping is not discounted by the coupon since you are paying shipping if/when you redeem the offer at each printing service’s website. Check the terms/conditions of each item for the shipping fees. Some offer a flat fee, others show a list of delivery fees, others calculate it when you redeem the print at their site.
PS: for the other print options, use the “Categories” on the left hand side of the aforelinked page. This includes 34 metal options and 20 wood options, along with acrylics, glass (guaranteed I’ll break it), and more.