And We Are Back Online!

Because we now depend on technology more than ever, I somehow missed all the Calendar reminders and email reminders to renew the domain of this blog, so yesterday it expired and went into Grace period. If you logged on since the previous post, you may have seen the error message.

We are back now. Depending on the DNS your devices are using you may still get the error message. DNS propagation is a thing in itself!

All apologies for the confusion. If there’s anyone left reading this 🙂

PS: No, it is not a conspiracy theory! Just because the last post was about the Illuminati, it doesn’t mean they pulled the plug on the website 🙂

LIVE Tweeting the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event

Because I can’t help myself, I will be live-tweeting on Twitter X the new Samsung Unpacked July 2024 event that starts on Wednesday July 10 in 2024 at 9am eastern (6am pacific time). It takes place in Paris, they are not early birds in California 😉

You can find the live-stream YouTube-embedded below for your convenience…

Heads Up: Live-Tweeting Apple WWDC Monday at 1pm ET

Because I can’t help my self from tweet-trolling, starting around 1pm ET on Monday June 10 I will be live-tweeting the Apple WWDC 2024 keynote speech in our usual mystery-science-theater style. You can follow it on TwitterX at @1001noisycamera (you may need a Twitter account to be able to read it, the new TwitterX is putting things behind login-walls).

The event will be live-streaming on YouTube as well. Here’s it is YouTube embedded below:

Heads Up (starting Wedn 1pm ET): Live-Tweeting Samsung Galaxy AI Unpacked event

Yes dear readers, it’s that time of the year again, another high-profile Samsung Unpacked event, with a “Galaxy AI” theme, and I will be live-tweeting it on Twitter, at @1001noisycamera [no final “s” because character limit]. This will be in our customary snarky and irreverent style 🙂

The live-stream is YouTube-embedded below for your convenience, or you can find it at the Samsung website:

Yes, We Have A Seasonal On-Blog-Topic Music Video!

Yes Dear Readers, we have found a song that is very on-topic to the content of this blog, without further ado, we present to you a Christmas Coupon by Meghan Trainor:

Blanket MEH Website Link Correction [since October 9!]

We start with a BLANKET [TYPO CORRECTION LOL] CORRECTION! Many of the previous MEH links were actually pointing to their sister-side “Side Deal” flash sale. The error began October 9 when I originally posted a link to this. Then cut-n-pasting the previous link without noticing it, and it becomes a chain of wrong links! I think I corrected them all. I’m getting too old for this thing LOL!

Powerbank time at the Tuesday MEH website is a 2-pack of Griffin 20,000 mAh powerbanks going for $19 plus shipping (free for paying MEH-members). This has two USB-A output ports and one USB-C that works as either input or output power, and one micro-USB for old times sake ;-).

Prepare for Black Friday: we have a FREE full-text RSS feed!

As we are just one week away from actual Black Friday, the time is right to do the necessary housekeeping to be ready. Inventory your memory cards, internal and external hard drives, your camera bag collection, what holes you have in your lens line-ups, filters, software, etc.

Make sure your address and payment info is updated on the websites you are planning to use on Black Friday, so in case of a door buster type of a deal you don’t get bogged down changing addresses or adding new payment options!

Last (and probably least LOL) we have here a FREE full-text RSS feed you can add to your RSS readers or any other similar services and such.

Starts Tue 1pm ET: Live-Tweeting The Apple Event!

If you enjoy the live-announcements of the latest flagship Apple products, Apple will be having another such extravaganza starting at 1pm eastern today, Tuesday 9/12/23, and live-streaming on the interwebs. As before, I will be live-tweeting it in our usual MST/snarky fashion. Thanks to recent Twitter disasters changes, you may need to login in order to view the tweets.

Live-Tweeting Samsung Unpacked: Wednesday at 7am ET

Yes, it’s Samsung time again! And this time the Samsung Unpacked will take place in Korea, that’s why the starting time is 7am eastern (4am pacific time).

Because I can’t help it, I will be live-tweeting the event (see note below) on Twitter or Twitter-X or X or Musk-X or Tesla-X or whatever it’s new name is 🙂

NOTE that Musk changed Twitter so you have to be logged in to read what other people are writing. The link above will take you to a Twitter login page if you are not already logged in to Twitter. BOO to Gates and Walled Gardens!

Here’s the video YouTube-embedded below:

Starts Wedn 1pm ET: Google I/O 2023 Keynote Live-Tweeting

Yes dear readers, time sure does fly! The time has come for another Google I/O event, headlined by “The Keynote”. As it is often the case, I will be live-tweeting this on Twitter, user name is @1001noisycamera [without the final “s” because user-name limits]…

Google will be live-streaming the event, with a separate ASL stream as well. And as usual, various tech websites and personalities will be having pre-game shows, stream-along commentary tracks, and post-game shows. The official Google stream is YouTube-embedded below…

Live-Tweeting of MSFT Surface event (Wedn at 10am ET)

Surprise again! The Microsoft Surface Reveal event will be live-streaming on the internet on October 12 at 10am eastern time, and since I am in front of a computer with a keyboard and I will be watching it, why not live-tweet it on the Twitter?

Below you will find the YouTube-embedded live-stream of CNET covering the stream MST-style:

Live-Tweeting of Google Pixel 7 event (Thursday 10am ET)

Surprise! The Google Pixel 7 event will be live-streaming on the internet on October 6 at 10am eastern time, and since I am in front of a computer with a keyboard and I will be watching it, why not live-tweet it on the Twitter?

You can watch the presentation live, and there are also plenty of pre-game shows and post-game shows, and if the official Google stream is too boring, some tech websites and individuals do it “mystery science theater” style! Find them all at this YouTube search link (this link only shows LIVE events)…

Impromptu Live-Tweeting of Apple’s iPhone 14 Live Event!

Surprise-surprise dear readers! We have an impromptu live-tweeting of Apple’s iPhone 14 “Far Out” event that will be live-streaming on the interwebs. You no longer need Apple devices to watch it 🙂

You can follow the live-tweeting shenanigans at (without a final “s” because username size limits),,,

OR if you just want to watch the darned event without everyone and their blogging grandfather live-tweeting it, here’s the YouTube embed of the official Apple stream 🙂

Blog Update: Minor Housekeeping in the Template

In case you were wondering whether something looks different, you are right! I did some minor blog template housekeeping. Some things got removed from the Siderbar and the Footer (the expanded RSS feeds at the bottom of the blog). I also re-prioritized the widgets in the Sidebar.

I also reduced the number of posts per page from 50 to 30. I had previously increased this to 50 during one of the previous holiday shopping seasons and forgot to change it 🙂

With these adjustments, the blog should theoretically load faster, or at least, less slow 🙂

Blog Tweet Update: Live-Tweeting the Samsung Unpacked event!

As of the time of writing, Samsung is running their Unpacked 2021 event live on the YouTubes! I am live-tweeting the event with totally non-insightful and goofy/silly commentary on Twitter at @1001noisycamera (no final “s” because username length limit)…

Blog PSA: Feedburner Email Subscriptions Going Away!

We have a blog PSA alert! Google is changing Feedburner, the webservice we (and a lot of the internet) is using to create and manage the RSS of this blog.

Google is changing Feedburner, and in doing so, all non-core features are going away. One of the features that is going away is the RSS by email service.

If you are subscribed to this blog with Feedburner by email, through Feedburner, by mid-August, this service will NO LONGER WORK. The exact cut-off time is not known, and may float a little bit…

I will NOT be transferring the email subscriber list to any other service.

If you wish to have RSS via email, you must needs take action on your own. I am a few years behind on the latest RSS-related web services, so I have no clue which service(s) to recommend. If you use any and would like to recommend them, please leave them in the comments below…

For the last few years this blog has been running as a hobby ~ or mayhaps I’m just too stubborn to shut it down 😉 Transitioning to one of the professional email services (they have monthly fees) is out of the question. I do not dare calculate costs (web hosting fees, etc) VS revenue (affiliate advertising income), because I’m afraid I may discover that it’s actually losing money ~ and that’s before you factor in the hours spent on this every year 🙂

PS: this affects A LOT of websites, not just this blog. If you are subscribed to RSS by email for other websites, check if they have any alternatives or take action on your own…

PS2: if you are subscribed to regular Feedburner RSS through an RSS reader or RSS-like app, this should continue as usual. But as with any major web-related service transition (Google changing the Feedburner backend and infrastructure), there might be some unexpected temporary bumps on the road. The famous known unknowns 😉

Backup in case of trouble: the Full-Text Feedburner RSS Feed!

With the sudden explosion of deal posts here during Black Friday week, the chances of WordPress/Hosting having some kind of hickup increase.

Thankfully we have a very easy and affordable [FREE!] plan B, the the Feedburner full-text RSS feed. This is hosted by Feedburner [Google], so even if this website goes down for technical issues, the RSS feed will continue to live!

OR for members of our Patreon Platinum MAX PRO XXL Elite Supreme Insiders tier, I will personally hand-deliver you the deal posts printed on premium paper, served with a complimentary Chipotle burrito 😉

Main Blog Update: Trade Show Calendar updated with 2020+

We have some rare action on the main blog! Our on-going (since 2014) Trade Show Calendar has been updated for 2020 and beyond. The COVID virus has thrown things in a loop, some shows are postponed/cancelled/TBD, others moved to the Fall of 2020, others moved to 2021 and 2022 (Photokina). Things will definitely change even more as the situation develops. Hopefully things will be under control soon!

Sign up now: our FREE Full-Text RSS feed

As you may have noticed we have been slowly but steadily being building up momentum for the black friday and holiday shopping seasons. IF you don’t want to miss any of the offers or if you prefer to use apps or RSS readers, don’t forget that we have a FREE full-text RSS feed which you can sign up using your favorite news-reading app or RSS reader…

Blanket Correction II: B&H Daily Deals link corrected!

We have another blanket correction, and it’s not a deja vu! The link to the B&H Photo daily deals has now been corrected for the last few days. Because of a cut-and-paste error, it had been pointing to Woot Sellout instead…

All apologies for the confusions!

Thanks to one of our readers for the alert using the online contact form!

PS: why was this happening? All it takes is one cut and paste mistake and if I don’t notice it, I simply copy the link of the previous day for the next day and it continues to propagate ~ like it happened the last two times…

PS2: it is also possible that I’m getting too old 🙂

Blanket Correction: B&H Daily Deal Links now corrected

This is a blanket correction for the last few days. Due to a self-propagating cut-and-paste error of the previous daily deal links, the links to the B&H Photo daily deals of the last few days were pointing to the wrong place (a 3rd-party lens at Amazon). All apologies for the confusion! Thanks to S.W Anderson for pointing it out in the comments!

PS: if you see things like that, please feel free to point it out in the comments or use the online contact form. This being a poor blog, we don’t have the luxury of having a “bug bounty program”, but you will definitely have our thanks 🙂

Prime Day 2019 is over (except for few leftovers)

Thank you for joining us in this exciting two-day Prime Day 2019 adventure. Almost all the deals are now over, so all the posts you see below mentioning Prime Day are expired… We had a total of 45 posts during the last two days…

IF you want to stay updated on the latest deals, we also offer a free full-text RSS feed [tell your friends too!].

Today we’ll take a look at all the other retailers not named Amazon and there are plenty of pre-orders to get to as a number of new cameras and lenses got announced the last few days…

Having Fun with Our Prime Day Coverage? Bring Your Friends Over!

Are you finding interesting things or having fun just following the madness at this blog? If yes, then bring your friends here too! Preferably after you buy the used camera deal that has just one unit left 🙂

And don’t forget, we offer a free full-text RSS feed and you don’t have to be a Prime member to subscribe. Or join our Patreon or Kickstarter or GoFundMe 🙂

And we are Baaaaack!

All apologies for the outage of the last 24 hours. I forgot to renew the annual web hosting package and it cancelled 🙂 Now it has been renewed as you can see from the Return of the Blog Episode IV: The Billing Menace.

The hosting company is not to blame ~ they sent multiple alerts and warnings. But I forgot to put that email on my phone, so I wasn’t checking it often ~ we are all turning into phone zombies after all 🙂

Update: Website problem corrected

The last few hours you may have seen a redirect problem with the blog (this particular camera deals blog, not the main blog/domain) with a and redirect warning. This was caused by a WordPress plug-in for related posts that was retired/abandoned…

Related posts are widgets that go below each post and recommend other posts.

From the looks of it, the domain was registered late on 4/15/19.

If you know anyone using this plug-in, you/they would probably want to deactivate and delete it as soon as possible…

This is one of the reasons some people prefer to write their own plug-ins instead of using publicly-available ones. Of course in order to do this you have to have the time, energy, knowledge and/or budget…

PSA: KEH Camera website remodel/redesign

You are not imaging things. The KEH website looks different indeed! That’s because there is a website remodel/redesign, and as per the rotating ticker on their site over there, they are actively looking for feedback on the new design, especially if you are having problems…

With so many viewports these days with desktops, laptops, 4K screens, AiOs, tablets, smartphones of all sizes, 2-in-1s, browsers of all sorts, etc, etc, etc, it’s a herculean task for a website design to cover all bases. Thus the request for feedback 🙂

PSA: don’t forget our RSS feed!

As we get closer to the madness, don’t forget to keep this website’s RSS feed handy. The RSS feed is hosted by Feedburner, so even if the website goes down, the RSS feed will continue. And you can read it with a web browser [as a website backup], you don’t need to use an RSS reader service or app ~ for casual/temporary reading…

Blog Update: Trade Show Calendar updated for 2019

And we have a new blog-post alert! Our on-going and ever-growing Trade Show Calendar reference has been updated with the 2019 events. The biggest change for 2019 is that Photokina is moving from September to May. A couple of shows don’t have dates yet, so you’ll see “???” in their dates… Please feel free to leave comments or use the online contact form for corrections and additions/deletions…

Blog Going On Hiatus

Thanks to a variety of things, this blog (and the main blog) are now going on hiatus… More updates as things develop…

Back Online with New Hosting Service

And we are baaaack with a new web hosting service! If you want to transfer your WordPress blog from one hosting service to another, this is a great and FREE WordPress plug-in, All In One WP Migration by ServMask.

It may take a few more hours for DNS changes to propagate throughout the world. Please let me know if you have any issues!