Don’t send your Discover credit card statement straight to the shredder! In this month’s statements delivered by mail, you may have a coupon for $20 off a $20+ order at Shutterfly. The coupon code is unique per customer from the looks of it (long winded blend of letters and numbers). This is a colorful 4×6 inch type of a coupon included in the envelope, it is not on the actual statement. I don’t know if this is included in every statement or only some. Shipping is additional. Redemption instructions are included on the back of the coupon. Expires 12/28/15.
UPDATE: a similar offer may be available through the Panera Rewards program. This may (have) arrive(d) in an email titled “a holiday surprise for you!”. It’s a $20 off $20+ as well, with a 12/29/15 expiration date. The coupon code is a long combination of letters and numbers which typically means it is unique to each person.