Thur: Sandisk Sale, Choice Laptops, GoT, Etc

Happy Thanksgiving in the Pacific time zone as well with the Thursday round of the Amazon USA Gold Box offerings. More than usual offers, as it is often the case during the BF/CM week, with the following potentially interesting items:

+ Sandisk Storage Sale including:
++ 128GB Extreme SDXC for $30, 64GB for $18, 32GB for $11
++ 64GB Ultra microSDXC for $11.49, 128GB for $20
++ 400GB Ultra microSDXC for $80
++ various kinds of USB flash drives
++ many WD external hard drives, along with some from G-Tech and a couple of Sandisk SSDs

+ Amazon Choice Laptops, AiOs and Desktop from Acer, ASUS, Dell, from $300 to $700 (nine options)

+ Game Of Thrones Seasons 1-7 Set for $75 in BluRay + Digital and $70 in DVD
+ Season 8 starts April 2019, plenty of time to catch up a few times over 🙂

+ various other things, clothing, magazines, tea/coffee, kitchen, Lionel trains, Norton, car diagnostic tool, etc