Refurbished GoPro HERO3+ Silver w/1yr warranty for $109

Trendy at the Trending eBay Deals is, at the moment, the manufacturer refurbished GoPro HERO3+ Silver Edition Camera going for $109 with free shipping and a 1-year warranty, sold by the official GoPRO store on ebay. Limit three units per customer. Almost 30,000 units got sold and the listing there says “more than 98% sold”.

While on eBay, on the budget side of lighting, a generic 12pk of LED 60W equivalent A19 light bulbs is on sale for $18 with free shipping by eBay seller “xpectmoreforless” (98.4%, Georgia (USA)). Limit five sets per customer with over 21,000 sold through this listing. This is Soft White 3000K light. The picture of the container is shown if you want to assess risk.