(ENDED) Refurbished Canon 24mm f2.8 STM EF-S for $99 after coupon

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More Prime lens action at the Canon USA store where coupon code MRGREENIE is 15% off refurbished items until Tuesday night. The manufacturer refurbished Canon 24mm f2.8 STM EF-S can be yours for $99~ after the coupon. Free shipping with orders of $100+ AFTER the coupon is factored in, so this one is best to append to another order that will have a post-coupon total of $100+.

In new condition at authorized dealers, this lens goes for $150 with free accessories, eg Adorama

NOTE: the coupon is case sensitive, it is all uppercase: MRGREENIE


  1. S. W. Anderson says

    This is an excellent lens — pro-grade sharp — at a brother-in-law price. I got one a couple of years ago and haven’t regretted it for a second. Handles “normal lens” angle-of-view stuff beautifully.

  2. S. W. Anderson says

    Yes, they really are. BTW, I should clarify that in saying this 24mm ens is normal angle of view, I lean toward the wide-view end of things. This 24mm for an APS-C sensor approximates the field of view of a 35mm lens on a 35mm camera. For those who lean toward the longer focal length and narrower view, a 35mm APS-C lens would approximate the angle of view of a 50mm lens on a 35mm camera.

    So, the short of it is I stated my wide-view preference in a way that could confuse (or annoy) many who would say a 35mm-equivalent angle of view is too wide for general shooting to be considered a “normal” lens.

    • Yes, I’m finding it useful too, I can capture “more things” (wider) over the 50mm equivalent, especially if one has the flexibility of moving closer/further-away to/from the subjects/objects as needed.