Prime Reading for FREE: Shutterbug and CR November 2017 e-issues

If you are a Prime member, one of the Prime Benefits is the Prime Reading program that lets you read for free from a list of roughly 1000 ebooks. You can read as much as you like but you can only have ten items checked out at any one time, so if you are getting close to ten, some strategy may be needed – mix some quick reads with some long-running reads so you are not out of picks. But even if you are, you can return something and re-borrow it again a few days later [assuming it doesn’t leave].

One of the lesser known benefits of Prime Reading is that single issues of magazines are also available. Among the latest additions, of potential photography interest, they have:

+ Shutterbug (November 2017)

+ Consumer Reports (November 2017)

+ and the usual “six degrees of separation” from photography: fashion, sports, nature, etc

As with all Netflix-style services, you can only read as long as you are a paying member. If you cancel the Prime membership, or return a book/magazine, you can no longer read it. However, there is no time limit on how long you can keep it checked out. I’ve found things I had checked out for over a year. No late library fees here 🙂

When logged in to your account, each magazine tells you which devices (in your account) it can be read from. For magazines, it is typically iOS and Android only, so the biggest reading screens you can get are probably iPad PROs and 2-in-1 Chromebooks with Google Play. Or that giant old 18.4″ Samsung Galaxy View.