Prime members: $20 off first PrimeNow order of $50+ [more places in CA, TX, MN]

If you have a Prime membership, you are also eligible to shop using Amazon’s PrimeNow feature (free 2-hour local delivery). In recent days, this service became available to more highly-populated areas (Houston, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Twin Cities, Northern California Tech Bubble Bay Area). If you haven’t used it before, coupon code GETITNOW gets you $20 off an order of $50+. You have to use the Prime Now app (available on iOS, Google Play, Amazon’s appstore) to make your purchases. You can’t use the regular Amazon website for PrimeNow orders. Sicne it is local delivery within 2 hours, you can only purchase items available at your local Amazon warehouse. Only items sold and shipped by Amazon actual are eligible. I haven’t used this service yet, but I will try to do so over the weekend, so I will have a mini-report for you early next week.

Amazon has so many different sub-programs, it can get very confusing. PrimeNow is a different program from the Prime Same Day Delivery feature (with orders of $35+). I am working on a post to help sort out all the Prime features, but they keep adding/changing things every time I sneeze 🙂