Superzoom with RAW action now, Panasonic’s new ZS70 (not to be confused with the good old FZ70 superzoom), with a 1/2.3″ MOS 20mp sensor and 30x optical zoom, and RAW is on now available for pre-order, in two color schemes, for $450 at Adorama and Amazon itself and B&H Photo. As usual, the early adopters pay the “having it first” tax, but time will eventually erode the price.
Speaking of superzooms and eroding prices, the Panasonic FZ70 is on sale for $250 by Amazon itself (limit three per customer).
The new ZS70 has been added to the New Cameras of 2017 Tracker. Only serious P&S cameras are added there. RAW is a litmus test ~ among others 🙂