We are getting closer, less than two full days away from the symbolic Black Friday, although some could argue we are in a perpetual Black Friday. But I’ll leave the more esoteric comments for the philosophy blogs 🙂 To cut a long story short, Monoprice has launched their Black Friday Sale good until 11/27/16. No coupon code is needed, the price you see is the price you pay. Shipping is additional, as Monoprice has yet to crack the “free shipping code”, unlike most other major online retailers. Having said that, anyone who tried to mail or ship something will attest that it costs money every time, so there’s that hurdle 🙂
The top of the page has general-use doorbusters, $1 HDMI cables, $2 lightning cables, the Carbon Fiber Tripod/Monopod Expert Series (Large) (Product ID 12154) for $100. From there on, things are broken down by nebulous product categories. Under “Computer & Gaming” there are a couple of house-brand graphics tablets, and a couple of sections below that is the “Camera & Video” section [use the browser’s in-page search to quickly locate it using that exact string without the quotes]. It includes an $11 monopod, ball heads, half a dozen weatherproof hard cases ($43 to $168), a $2 camera extender (I guess they didn’t want to call it a selfie stick!), and such.
Moving along, further down is the “Home & Office” category which includes various single use and rechargeable batteries and chargers for the rechargeables. Further down [I feel like I’m a tour guide to an online sale], you will notice a beautiful castle made of microUSB cables. Or rather, various cables with prices starting at $0.49. This concludes the tour of the Monoprice gingerbread castle 🙂