Nikon L340 superzoom (28x) for $150

Zoom-zoom! The new condition black color scheme of the Nikon Coolpix L340 superzoom (28x optical zoom, four AA batteries) is currently on sale for $150 with free shipping at Amazon by Amazon itself with a limit of up to three of these zoomies per customer. It averages 4.1 out of 5 based on 800+ customer reviews, has 500+ answered questions, and per the listing there, it is currently the #1 Best Selling P&S cameras.

PS: keep in mind, Amazon’s website is now huge, there’s rarely any product category that is completely and correctly categorized, so some cameras may be missing from “top seller” consideration, while other non-camera items may also be included. It’s more useful nowadays as a pecking order comparison of the cameras that are ranked. That’s one of the reasons why I stopped doing the “best selling charts” posts because they were diluted enough so that they didn’t deserve that close of an analysis/scrutiny.