Happy New Year, yes, it is 2020 already, may your vision match the year, and may the Tokyo Olympics bring exciting new camera gear 😉
The Mega Deal Zone is over and we are back to the B&H daily deals good until 11:59pm ET on 1/1/20 or earlier if sold out:
+ AquaTech Sensory Gloves for $25 in various sizes
+ ZiV TTL Cord with Focus Assist for Nikon (Coiled, 3′) for $15
+ also: $15 wireless presenter and $20 true wireless earphones
PS: for the next few weeks, until I adjust to typing “2019”, you may see some deal expiration dates as “/19” instead of “/20” mentioned in the body of the blog-posts. But the dates above/below individual blog-posts [eg where the title and tags/categories are] are correct because they are inserted automatically by WordPress…