Monday KEH coupon: 8% off Cameras, 12% off Lenses, 20% Accessories (1000+ options)

KEH Camera is back with a new 1-day coupon for Monday 11/6/17! Coupon code CANON11A gets you the following discounts on over 1000 Canon-related products:

+ 8% Off Cameras
+ 12% Off Lenses
+ 20% Off Accessories
+ using coupon CANON11A
+ see all eligible items at the Canon products page

The coupon code is the ultimate decider on what’s eligible. You can test the coupon and get a S&H estimate by entering the coupon and zipcode in the shopping cart. There’s no need to login or sign-in to get an estimate of those.

The coupon expires on Monday at 11:59pm eastern time.