If you need items to arrive in a time sensitive matter or you have placed an expensive order and you don’t want to let it linger around in slow shipping hell, UPS My Choice members (free to sign up for; not the Premium tier) will be able to track their packages as they travel to your door. This is a new feature called “Follow My Delivery”. An infographic explaining the process is available from UPS in PDF format.
This feature is available only for Premium shipping services with a time commitment, such as Next Day Air or Worldwide Express.
Unlike the Amazon PrimeNow deliveries that can be tracked in the PrimeNow mobile app, tracking for this is done on the web. UPS will send you an email with a link to a “Follow My Delivery” url. So you can use it on any device that is capable of accessing the internet [this is based on what their email says, I haven’t used this service yet].