Friday FREE-Streaming Classes (start 12pm ET): Craft Photography and Newborn Posing

To celebrate Friday, the Creative LIVE ON AIR free-streaming that starts at 12pm ET has TWO photography-related long classes!

+ Craft Photography Fundamentals with Candice Stringham
+ 9.5 hours long
+ Lesson #8 (20 min) is the “Kindle sample”, top down shooting with an iPhone

+ Newborn Posing with Kelly Brown, 13.5 hours long
+ Lesson #4 (36 min) is the “Kindle sample”, so you can watch it ahead of time to see if this is something of interest

+ Fat Burning Tips with Abel James, 8.5 hours long
+ Lessons #1 (Introduction) and #5 (Foods to Avoid) are the “Kindle samples”, total sample runtime 76 minutes, so you can check them out ahead of time if interested
+ this is in the paleo/lower-carb spectrum, no calorie counting, eating real tasty foods, avoiding processed foods