Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L II USM with Platypod Pro Max Plate Mini Tripod for $1699

Another NAB 2017 special, the Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L II USM is bundled with the Platypod Pro Max Plate Mini Tripod (goes for $100 on its own) all together for $1699 with free expedited shipping at Adorama.

If you don’t need the platypus creature tripod thing, Adorama has a different bundle for the same price, it’s an Accessorapaloooza (filters, Corel, cleaning kits, lens wrap, lens shade, tether.

Or if you don’t need any free accessories, you can instead get 4% promotional rewards (~$68) to be spent in future Adorama purchase by getting the default option.