Canon 80D body for $1000, w/18-55 for $1050, w/18-135 for $1300, w/18-135 Video $1400

The Canon 80D body went for $1100 when I posted the APS-C DSLR price charts but the Black Friday madness has brought a discount to this Canon camera too!

The 80D body only goes for $1000, with 18-55 for $1050, with 18-135mm for $1300, and the 18-135 Video Creator kit for $1400. All these options are available by Amazon itself and Adorama and B&H Photo. Depending on the kit, you may get free accessories or promotional rewards.

The above are the standard kits. B&H Photo also has a couple of additional two lens kits where they add the 55-250 lens to the “with 18-55” kit for $1200, or to the “with 18-135” kit for $1450. That’s a +$150 for the 55-250 lens compared to the price without it.