Blog PSA: Feedburner Email Subscriptions Going Away!

We have a blog PSA alert! Google is changing Feedburner, the webservice we (and a lot of the internet) is using to create and manage the RSS of this blog.

Google is changing Feedburner, and in doing so, all non-core features are going away. One of the features that is going away is the RSS by email service.

If you are subscribed to this blog with Feedburner by email, through Feedburner, by mid-August, this service will NO LONGER WORK. The exact cut-off time is not known, and may float a little bit…

I will NOT be transferring the email subscriber list to any other service.

If you wish to have RSS via email, you must needs take action on your own. I am a few years behind on the latest RSS-related web services, so I have no clue which service(s) to recommend. If you use any and would like to recommend them, please leave them in the comments below…

For the last few years this blog has been running as a hobby ~ or mayhaps I’m just too stubborn to shut it down 😉 Transitioning to one of the professional email services (they have monthly fees) is out of the question. I do not dare calculate costs (web hosting fees, etc) VS revenue (affiliate advertising income), because I’m afraid I may discover that it’s actually losing money ~ and that’s before you factor in the hours spent on this every year 🙂

PS: this affects A LOT of websites, not just this blog. If you are subscribed to RSS by email for other websites, check if they have any alternatives or take action on your own…

PS2: if you are subscribed to regular Feedburner RSS through an RSS reader or RSS-like app, this should continue as usual. But as with any major web-related service transition (Google changing the Feedburner backend and infrastructure), there might be some unexpected temporary bumps on the road. The famous known unknowns 😉