Bag the Non-Camera Bags (Clearance Sale)

This is a “Bag the Non-Camera Bags” clearance sale, not camera bags! Touch of Modern is having a big Clearance Sale on Bags and assorted travel accessories until 4/4/18 at 12pm pacific time. Lots of options and sizes are available. Some could be repurposed for camera gear by reusing padding and dividers from other camera bags. Especially with many clothing/fashion brands, prices can be all over the place, so price-check any products or brands whose price-ranges you may not be familiar with.

For actual camera bags, check our Camera Bags category where the new condition Manfrotto Street Messenger for DSLR kit (along with space for additional Lenses and laptop) continues to go for $30 with free shipping. This will ship 4/8/18 and not before.