Apple 4th of July sale at B&H with 17 options

The 4th of July sale is in-progress at B&H Photo featuring a variety of products and bundles as you can see over there ~ and you can filter by categories of interest (eg “Photography”, “Pro Video”).

Since we previously mentioned Dell and PC offers, the “OS Fairness Doctrine” requires us that we mention Apple offers as well, and B&H helps that out with a 17-item Apple sale with Minis (no, not Cooper, but Late 2018 Mac Minis), and MacBooks and various 27-inch Retina 5 AiO Macs of early 2019.

UPDATE: speaking of the “OS Fairness Doctrine”, Android fans want their deal too, so here it is, FREE $350 headphones (the Sony WH-1000X Mark III) when you pre-order the new Sony Android flagship, the Xperia 1, for $950 at B&H Photo and Amazon itself