IF you are an Amazon Prime member, and IF you never placed a PrimeNOW order before, you can use coupon code 10PRIMENOW to get $10 off your first PrimeNow order. In the past you could only do this with a mobile app, but finally Amazon developed the technology needed (sarcasm intended) to place online PrimeNow orders.
Availability of items depends on where you are and when you place the order. Because PrimeNOW delivers the orders within 2 hours (or 1 hour for a fee), the item has to be physically available at a nearby Amazon Warehouse or facility. Tip is expected for this service but you can chose not to do so. Strategically this is best suited for general-purpose generally-available accessories (memory cards, camera bags, USB drives, HDDs, cables, etc).
Details and availability of items near you at the Prime Now website. What you see on that page depends on your logged on status and your Prime membership status. If you are logged out, you will see the coupon and promotions. If you are logged in to your Amazon account and a Prime member and already used up the offer, you won’t see the coupons. You can open a different browser and do an A/B test to see the difference.