(ENDED) Vanguard Espod CX 234AP Tripod for $40 after $10 MIR

These daily promo codes are dead as a doornail now, but some of these items are recurring offers from the Fry’s promo codes department…

For email subscribers to the Fry’s Promo Codes (free to join), the offers for Thursday 12/31/15 include the Vanguard Espod CX 234AP Tripod for $40 after a $10 mail-in rebate, using your personal/unique promo code from their email. This is limit one per customer, and it is good in-store or at their website. It ends when the B&M store closes (B&M) or at some point during the night when they change the promo codes (for online purchases; I don’t know the exact cutoff/switch-over time).