(ENDED) Reminder of 12/31/15 deadline for Chase and Discover with 5% to 10% Amazon Rewards

The Year of 2015 ended, and as such, this strategy is no longer relevant for 2015, however, the same principle applies to future years and similar promotions. Amazon is typically reserved for Q4 promotions. For on-going 5% at Amazon there’s the Citi Forward credit card and the Amazon Prime Store credit card (not to be confused with the Amazon Chase VISA credit card)…

IF you have a Chase Freedom or a Discover credit card that is offering 5% to 10% credit card rewards on Amazon purchases for this quarter ending 12/31/15, AND you are under the $1500 maximum per credit card, AND you are planning to make purchases at Amazon soon or at some point in 2016, you can take advantage of the credit card rewards by buying emailable Amazon Gift Cards. These arrive within minutes and get billed to your credit card right away, so you don’t have to sweat last minute 1-day shipping purchases (for credit card reward purposes). Having said that, don’t wait until the last minute, because of time zone differences, credit card maintenance and such.