Prime members: Free 4-month subscription On Up To Three Magazines (options include Pop Photo) [new subscribers only]

If you are an Amazon Prime member, Amazon has yet another Prime exclusive promotion, you get four free months on up to three different magazines from a list of 14 choices. Click on the arrow widgets there to see all the options. The options include Popular Photography, Wired, and Popular Science.

AFTER the 4 months end, this converts to an auto-renewing subscription. The first year will be $10 per magazine per year, and then will auto-renew at the then going rate. Your credit card will be charged around the 3 month mark, if you cancel before the 4 month window closes, you will get refunded.

This is good for new subscribers only. It does not work with existing subscribers. US addresses. These are printed magazines. Check terms and conditions for all the details. Promotion expires 4/8/16.