Prime Day: Rokinon and Samyang Lenses on sale (139 options)

Prime lenses for Prime members! Most of these lenses show the regular price with verbiage that says “save an additional 20%” for Prime members, so keep that in mind when you are looking at the search-index listing pages below. Or add them to the shopping cart.

For example, the first lens in the Samyang listing below is a $629 14/2.8 AF (RF) lens. If you are a Prime member and you add it to cart, you will pay 20% off that price, making it $500 and something

A total of 139 prime Rokinon and Samyang lenses of all kinds are on sale during Prime festivities. I obviously cannot list them all, so I will not list any of them per the Fairness Doctrine 😉

+ 20% off 94 Rokinon Lenses

+ 20% off 45 Samyang Lenses

+ note that the numbers are lens options, meaning that if a particular Samyang lens is made for five different mounts, it shows as five separate listings, so it counts as five of the 45 above