(ENDED) Hardcover Book: “Wildlife Spectacles: Mass Migrations, Mating Rituals, and Other Fascinating Animal Behaviors” for $4

The hardcover sale ended, but Kindle continues as of 2/22/17…

The 320-page hardcover book “Wildlife Spectacles: Mass Migrations, Mating Rituals, and Other Fascinating Animal Behaviors” by Vladimir Dinets is currently on sale for $3.86 at Amazon by Amazon itself. Limit one per customer. You can “Look Inside” to see the table of contents, and many sample pages throughout the book. Free shipping for Prime members (it’s not an Add-On item) or with a $25+ book order (or $49+ mix) for non-Prime members.

Meanwhile the digital version is on sale for $2 for the Kindle and other online e-book reading platforms.

This is currently the #3 best seller under the Photography and Video book category at Amazon, where the physical printed Ansel Adams 2017 Calendar for $5 remains the #1 best seller.

There are about two dozen subcategories there (on the left-hand side) you can further drill down and explore/discover popular photography/photographer books.