Big Sony SD/SDHC/SDXC sale (8GB to 256GB): 32GB for $8+, 64GB for $16+, 128GB for $34+

B&H Photo is having a big Sony Memory Card sale featuring SD/SDHC/SDXC and microSD* memory cards. A total of 22 items are participating (you can quickly skim/scan at the aforelinked page ~ it has them in a nice grid). Prices include:

+ 32GB for $8 or $11.50 or $18
+ 64GB for $16 or $23 or $32
+ 128GB for $34 or $45 or $68
+ 256GB for $90 or $96 or [N/A]
+++ price numbers above are for the: “up to 70” or “up to 94” or “up to 95” [that’s printed on the card’s face ~ a visual cue to tell them apart]

Sale ends 3/27/16 or earlier for any that sell-out and become unorderable.